Friday, 23 November 2012


1 comment:

  1. Some good use of titles, although you might want to look at how your audio fades out before your actual film starts. V/O works well. Might have established the wood a little (a short Est Shot) before your main character enters?). Some good camera movement (effective panning, for example) and good use of location. Might want to reconsider use of hand-held, since this gives it a more "horror movie/ documentary" tone? A little too heavy on the ELS/ LS and not enough CU/ MS during the initial part - would be good to see his face in CU sometimes. Good framing, however. You should watch the light - at 1:02 it is clearly sunnier, which causes a bit of a continuity glitch. The edit at 1:10 is a little odd - would have perhaps been better to cut to a CU? That said, the general continuity is fine (apart from at 1:30 where it seems to jump from him standing up to him sitting down!).

    Overall, a good effort, although might be good to produce a version which highlights the continuity successes (and glitches?)
